Body donation is very important to education and research in healthcare professions, and eventually to the betterment of human health. You may indicate your wish to donate your body after death for the purposes of medical education and research. For details, please browse the following websites or contact:

"Great Body Teacher" Body Donation Programme, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

Tel No.: 3917 6334

Medical students of the University of Hong Kong attended a ceremony to pay respect to the "Great Body Teacher".

"Silent Teacher" Body Donation Programme, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tel No.: 3943 6050

Medical students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong attended a ceremony to pay respect to the "Silent Teachers".

Ashes Scattering Plan for Body Donors

The Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC) has launched the "Silent Teacher" and "Great Body Teacher" Ashes Scattering Plan with the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong respectively. Body donors or their family members can choose to scatter the ashes of the donors at the Junk Bay Garden of Remembrance of BMCPC. Dedicated memorial walls are erected at the Garden of Remembrance in recognition of the selfless contribution of body donors.

For more information about the Ashes Scattering Plan, please visit the website or call BMCPC at 3719 7785.

The "Silent Teacher" Memorial Wall at the Junk Bay Garden of Remembrance of BMCPC

The "Great Body Teacher" Memorial Wall at the Junk Bay Garden of Remembrance of BMCPC

Endless Love - Healing Act Ashes scattering and memorial plaque for cadaveric organ donor

The Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC) in conjunction with Hong Kong Kidney Foundation (HKKF) has set up the "Endless Love – Healing Act" program, effective from July 2017. The purpose is to honor cadaveric organ donors, as their organs allow patients with end-stage organ failure a "new life".

BMCPC has set up a memorial wall in the Garden of Remembrance at Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery for the family to scatter the ashes. HKKF will honor the donor with a plaque for the family to mount on the memorial wall.

For further detail, please visit website:
Enquiry: 2716 5773